IPCC report shows: the climate crisis will not wait!

10. August 2021
ipcc website 0dd

ÖH calls for climate-neutral universities by 2030

Yesterday, the latest IPCC report was released, directly attributing the climate crisis to humans. Since the last World Climate Report (AR5), the partly irreversible change in the climate has already become clear. “The weather extremes of the last weeks are already due to climate change – these will only get worse if the government does not take concrete measures now!”, explains Sara Velić from the presidential team of the Austrian National Union of Students (ÖH).

It is imperative to reach the 1.5 °C target. Universities, which are a place of research and progress, are especially needed for this. “Universities are major players in society and educate generations of young people. We demand that universities also make their contribution to saving the climate and become climate-neutral themselves by 2030!” demands Keya Baier from the chair team. This should include a decarbonization plan and the use of climate-friendly energy as well as the introduction of climate content in courses.

The climate crisis must not be allowed to bypass research either. The fact that research is largely financed by third-party funding means that corporations have an influence on research. This means that research follows the economy and not the acute problems of our society. “Universities must have the opportunity to focus their research on the climate crisis and make use of it. For this, politics, science and society must pull together!” affirms Naima Gobara from the chair team.

The IPCC report proves once again – the climate crisis is the biggest challenge we have to face! “If we do not get a grip on this crisis, the effects on the environment, living beings and society will be as devastating as they are irreversible!” concludes the chair team of the ÖH Bundesvertretung.

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