
ÖH Social Fund

The Österreichische Hochschüler_innenschaft (ÖH) offers various support options to help students in financial need. All students who are ÖH members and are in a special financial need have the opportunity to receive a one-time grant from the Social Fund every 12 months.

Special Project Fund

You have a good project idea? The Special Project Fund aims to support student project ideas by offering administrative and financial assistance, within the means of the available funds.

Fem-Queer Fund

Feminist and queer research is of great concern to the ÖH. To encourage scholarly inquiry into these issues, students at all universities can apply for financial support through the Feminist and Queer Research Grant Fund. Funding is available for scientific work and projects that have a clear feminist and/or queer reference.

Dormitory Fund

Whether representing residents, organizing cultural and sports activities, or creating space for social interaction such as parties or cooking evenings: The activities of Heimvertretungen (dormitory representatives) are varied and highly valued. The ÖH wants to support projects of Heimvertretungen financially and established the Dormitory Fund for this purpose. Every year the ÖH Bundesvertretung provides 5,000 Euros to help fund dormitory activities.

CB Fund

The Coalition Board’s fund is used to provide financial support for projects of student relevance and is the successor to the Interref funding pot. Note the documents linked below!

Fund for research on social permeability in the education system

Here you can find all the relevant information on the fund for research on social permeability in the education system.

Fund for climate-friendly initiatives

Here you can find all the relevant information on the Fund for Climate Friendly Initiatives.