Department for feminist politics

The Department for Feminist Politics sees itself as a platform for the support and dissemination of information on (queer) feminist issues as well as a networking opportunity for feminist work in and outside the ÖH.

The department makes its own events on various feminist topics and tries to improve the situation of FLINTA* in everyday university life and outside, to facilitate or create new spaces.

The content is about counteracting structural misogyny and heteronormativity. We thematize and fight gendered patriarchal structures and thus want to give space to marginalized positionings and call for networking. We understand (queer) feminism with an intersectional approach and think of different structural power mechanisms like racism, ableism, homo* and trans* hostility, classism, bodyism, etc. together and see an intertwining of these with sexist power structures. Therefore, for us only a fight against all these power structures is feminist politics!

Brochures, stickers, bags, flyers, etc. and various materials that can enable feminist practice are created and made available.

There is also the possibility to apply for financial support for (queer)feminist projects, to use space resources and to plan events together. For questions, contact


Of course you can always contact us by e-mail with your concerns. We will then contact you by your preferred method. At the moment you can get advice only by mail or by phone, but it is very important for us to be available for you personally. Just send us an email and we will get back to you with suggested dates.

Further dates gladly on request!

You can contact us, no matter if it’s about topics like discrimination at the university (by fellow students, teachers), questions about our library, help or support in organizing queer / queer_feminist / feminist events (also funding and space organization) or about networking with other groups, initiatives or projects.
Just drop by our office in Taubstummengasse!

(Queer)Feminist Library in Taubstummengasse
You can find all the information here.

Feminist space in the Berggasse usable
The UF*O (Uni-Flint*-Ort) is a room in Berggasse that can be made available by the Department for Feminist Politics for events, brunches, writing groups, other meetings. In the long term, the place will also be used as a recreation room.
So if you are planning an event or want to do a planning meeting near campus and don’t have a room yet, you are welcome to email us at and pick up a key at the Deafmen’s Alley.

The Feminist and Queer Research Grant Fund offers students at all universities the opportunity to receive financial support to conduct scholarly work and projects. The Österreichische Hochschüler_innenschaft would like to make a contribution to the promotion of academic discussion of feminist and queer issues and at the same time support young academics in their work. In order to inform as many students as possible about this funding opportunity, the funding pot has been advertised extensively in recent months. The number of applications multiplied and a great deal of work and projects from very different disciplines could be financially supported. The information on the funding pot – including the guidelines – is also available in English.

Come by!

You can contact us, no matter if it’s about topics like discrimination at the university (by fellow students, teachers), questions about our library, help or support in organizing queer / queer_feminist / feminist events (also funding and space organization) or networking with other groups, initiatives or projects.
Just drop by our office in Taubstummengasse!

You can find the reports of the department here.



Education Policy Unit
Taubstummengasse 7-9
1040 Vienna


Phone: +43 (0)1 310 88 80 – 60
Yori Kern
interim. Consultant
Hannah Müllner
5 * 2 = ?