Department for Human Rights and Social Policy

General policy is policy that affects everyone. Whether it is anti-racist work or political earthquakes: The Human Rights and Department for Social Policy has an eye on them. We stand for the general political mandate of the ÖH. In particular, we take a closer look at topics that many do not perceive at first glance.

The context to the students is also important: we are not one group with the same characteristics and needs, but just as diverse as the society we live in. And, as in society, many students are affected by inequality due to discrimination. Therefore, we stand for a society free from discrimination, inclusive, fighting against racism and fascism and working on memory politics. We therefore primarily support independent projects that stand for equal rights and equality and fight against state oppression.

Our understanding of human rights goes even further: the right to education is not only relevant for the university. Education should be freely accessible to all of society. We want to pay particular attention to the class differences in society, so that everyone can nevertheless expand their basic knowledge. Therefore, we emphasize simple language that explains very complicated things succinctly.

However, we also want to be a contact point for students who feel disadvantaged due to the unjust and unfair structures or who have already had experience with them. That’s why we are happy to be your contact persons and support you as best we can. Just write us if you want to meet.

You can find the reports of the department here.



Department for Human Rights and Social Policy
Taubstummengasse 7-9
1040 Vienna


Fridolin Tagwerker
interim. Referent_in
Laura Lorin Sahan
Chiara Kohlhofer
Rebeca Kling
Effi Purtscheller
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