Queer Department

QUEER – The Queer Department sees itself as a contact point for student representatives at universities throughout Austria, queer people and their supporters.

Queer [‘kwɪə(ɹ)] means a deviation from the heterosexual two-gender norm with the goal of two-gender relationships (heteronormativity) and includes lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, asexual, aromantic, pansexual, polyamorous, and many others. persons.
We use the term “queer” because we don’t want to commit to a specific acronym (e.g. LGBTIQA*), but want to be as inclusive as possible.

All individuals who locate themselves on the queer spectrum,
anyone who has questions about queer issues and
all who represent queer concerns at their universities are invited to use our services!

We offer networking and mediation, education and information about lifestyles that do not conform to the heteronormative social order with its gender binarity, and support in the implementation of projects.

Do you already know progress – the magazine of the Austrian Student Union? We regularly have our say in it. On the website you can read articles and subscribe to the magazine for free!


We are part of the initiative queer@hochschulen, which sees itself as an interface between queer organizations, units of the university student bodies and groups for the exchange and implementation of joint projects.

We are also represented in the Arbeitsgemeinschaft trans*emanzipatorische Hochschulpolitik (Working Group on Trans*emancipatory Higher Education Policy ), whose goal is to improve the study and working conditions for trans people at universities.


Recommendations for action to improve the situation of trans, inter and non-binary people at universities:
We have compiled the most important measures for universities so that trans, inter and non-binary perosns can also experience a discrimination-free everyday university life.

Guide to All-Genders Toilets: Our guide is primarily aimed at student representatives who want to advocate for all-gender restrooms at their university. Please feel free to send us additions for All-Genders_Toilets at your university.

The reports of the department can be found here.



Queer Department
Taubstummengasse 7-9
1040 Vienna


Phone: +43/1/310 88 80 – 60
Manuel Götzendorfer
interim. Consultant

Hannah Plachel
Jana Hauss
5 - 4 = ?

Correct gender ascriptions for students:
The Queer Unit has introduced a motion at the meeting of the ÖH-Bundesvertretung on 13.12.2019 to advance the respectful treatment of trans, inter* and non-binary students at universities throughout Austria. The motion was passed.

Legal Opinion
zur Geschlechtsbezeichnung und namensrechtlichen Behandlung von trans* und inter* Studierenden an der Universität Wien, Dr. Helmut Graupner, 2015.