Climate-friendly initiatives fund

The Austrian Student Union (ÖH) sees the climate crisis as the greatest crisis of our time – also for all students. The ÖH therefore feels responsible to take up the fight against the climate crisis – shape it with us!

In order to promote student involvement, we have created the funding pot for climate-friendly initiatives – in this way, we want to promote innovations in this area and, beyond climate protection measures, promote the quality of life of students and strengthen a rethinking of society as a whole on environmental and climate policy issues. For example, projects for the protection and preservation of ecosystems, sustainable mobility, climate education and much more are funded.

For legal reasons, we also enter this funding in the transparency database(Transparency Database Act 2012).

Guidelines and submission

Please review the following documents before submitting the application. You can clarify any questions beforehand with the Environmental and Climate Policy Unit.

– the guidelines
– the sample cost plan

Once you have sent the form, you will receive a confirmation of receipt with the further information.


Postal address:
Federal representation of the ÖH
For the attention of Environment and Climate Policy Unit
Taubstummengasse 7-9
1040 Vienna

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