ÖH fee refund

Attention: If you have paid the ÖH fee twice or more than once at the same educational institution, the ÖH is not the right place to go, but the responsible office at the university, PH, PU or FH that has the funds. The ÖH only ever receives the ÖH contribution once per student, but not any sum in excess of this. However, we can only refund those contributions that we have actually received.

Submit an application for reimbursement of the ÖH fee

Since the ÖH always receives the information about the payments of the ÖH-fee from the universities, PHs, PUs and FHs only afterwards, we can unfortunately – as much as we would like to – not do without linking the reimbursement of the ÖH-fee to certain formal requirements. Finally, we are required by law to collect the fee from all students, and any refund must be appropriately verifiable and justified.

We therefore require a completed application including proof of deposit in order to initiate the refund. This form has been designed to accommodate as many cases as possible. Nevertheless, unexpected cases can always occur. Therefore, if the form does not fit a particular situation, it should be annotated accordingly and used anyway.

When can the ÖH contribution be refunded?

  • Simultaneous admission to at least two universities and payment of the ÖH fee at least twice
  • Termination of studies before 30.10. or the 31.03

Refunds must be submitted by June 30 of each semester in the summer semester and by January 31 of each semester in the winter semester.

Either fill in the web form completely or send the attached form with the corresponding documents by mail or by e-mail please:

ÖH Bundesvertretung
“ÖH Beitrag Refundierung”
Taubstummengasse 7-9
1040 Wien

Phone: +43/1/310 88 80 -15

We ask you to consider that the refunding can take up to two months.

Please use evidence such as: Copy of the receipt or bank statement showing the payment of the ÖH fee, or corresponding proof of the end of your studies before 30.10 or 31.3.
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