Special projects

Promotion and submission of special projects:

Through the funding of special projects, activities of students are to be supported, whereby they are offered financial and administrative assistance by the ÖH Bundesvertretung according to the available funds from the special project pot. Special project funding can only be requested for the overall project and is only granted for specific project areas (subsidies are excluded). Furthermore, only clearly billable expenses can be financed.

Further information can be found in the General Guidelines for Special Projects, which must be observed before submitting an application. To submit an application, the online form below must be completed in full.

For legal reasons, we also enter this funding in the transparency database (see [Transparenzdatenbankgesetz 2012](https://www.ris.bka.gv.at/GeltendeFassung.wxe?Abfrage=Bundesnormen&Gesetzesnummer=20008050)).

Submission deadline

The submission deadline is 7 days before each meeting.

Meetings winter semester 2022/23

Sessions summer semester 2023

Examples of projects already supported


Austrian National Union of Students
For the attention of Elisabeth Böhm
“Special Projects”
Taubstummengasse 7-9
A-1040 Vienna

Phone: +43/1/310 88 80/21
Fax: +43/1/310 88 80/36
E-mail: sonderprojekte@oeh.ac.at


Download SoPro Guidelines (91.04 KB)

Download SoPro Refund Form (85.7 KB)

Download ÖH logos

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