Writing together instead of alone

© canva

The group is held in German!

Are you currently writing your Master’s thesis or dissertation and feel alone? Do you need a fixed date and place where you can write your thesis together with other students? You can’t motivate yourself right now and need a push? Do you still have unanswered questions that you want to discuss with “like-minded people”?


Then Writing Together is the right thing for you!


The ÖH programme is aimed at students writing Master’s theses and dissertations. Basically, the sessions will run as follows: at the beginning there is always an introductory and question round, followed by joint writing (approx. 1-1.5 hours) and a final reflection round.

We have prepared the first few units thematically for you (research, questions, structure, etc.). The remaining units will be organised over the course of the semester (according to your needs).


Group size:

max. 10 people


Dates and duration:

We meet approximately every second Monday from 10am to 12pm at Taubstummengasse 7-9 on the 2nd floor, 1040 Vienna.


Dates: 23.10., 6.11., 20.11., 4.12., 11.12., 15.1.2024 and 29.1.



Pre-registration up to and including 20.10.2023 is required. You can find the registration form below.

If you have any questions or would prefer to register by email, please write to us at: wsa@oeh.ac.at