Privacy policy and legal notice

We are pleased about your visit on our website The Österreichische Hochschüler_innenschaft (hereinafter: “we” or “ÖH”) takes data protection very seriously.

This privacy policy applies, among others, to the following ÖH websites:
Here you will find more detailed information about the use of your data:
I. Name and address of the responsible person
The controller within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation and other national data protection laws of the member states as well as other data protection provisions is the: Austrian National Union of Students Taubstummengasse 7-9 1040 Vienna
II. Name and address of the data protection officer
The data protection officer of the responsible person is: Boris Treml For data disclosure requests, please contact You can also reach the data protection officer at the postal address of the data controller with the addition of “the data protection officer”.
III. provision of the website and creation of log files
1. Website
a) Description and scope of data processing
Each time you visit our website, our system automatically collects data and information from the computer system of the calling computer. The following data is collected:
  • Information about the browser type, set language(s) and the version used
  • For mobile devices: Device manufacturer and model name
  • The user’s operating system and its interface
  • The Internet service provider of the user
  • The IP address of the user
  • Date and time of access
  • The URL you called
  • Amount of data transferred
  • Websites from which the user’s system accesses our website (only if the source site does not use HTTPS).
  • Websites that are called up by the user’s system via our website
  • Access status/HTTP status code
The data is also stored in the log files of our system.
Legal basis for data processing
The legal basis for the temporary storage of the data and the log files is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR.
Purpose of data processing
The temporary storage of the IP address by the system is necessary to enable delivery of the website to the user’s computer. For this purpose, the user’s IP address must remain stored for the duration of the session. The storage in log files is done to ensure the functionality of the website. In addition, we use the data to optimize the website and to ensure the security of our information technology systems. An evaluation of the data for marketing purposes does not take place in this context. These purposes are also our legitimate interest in data processing according to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR.
Duration of storage
The data is stored after the end of the respective session and deleted after 30 days. Any further storage of the data in a form that enables the identification of the persons concerned does not take place.
External service providers
When you open our website, no content such as JavaScript files, stylesheets or images from external service providers are initially integrated or data passed on to them. Some of our websites connect to to retrieve static media content. The connection to does not transmit personal data, nor are IP addresses logged or cookies generated.
b) Use of cookies
Cookies definition
Cookies are small text files that are stored in your browser. These are downloaded from your browser when you first visit our website. When this website is called up again with the same terminal device or browser, the cookie and the information stored in it is either sent back to the respective website that generated it (first party cookie) or sent to another website to which it belongs (third party cookie). This recognizes that the web page was called with the respective browser and changes with this status, the display of content. Cookies “remember” your preferences, for example, share how you use a site, and in some cases customize the offers displayed.
Functional cookies
For the purpose of carrying out the transmission of messages and providing the services you request, we use cookies, which are stored exclusively in encrypted form. The data processing activities carried out through the use of cookies are based on our legitimate interests in providing a fully functional website and the services you request (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO, § 96 para. 3 TKG). The following functionally necessary cookies are used:

Cookie_ID Purpose Includes personal. Data? Data type Storage duration
Saves current language setting just for user who are logged in. No Providing multilingualism Session duration
Saves the session id concerned to the keycloak realm No Numeric Session duration
Saves the session id concerned to the keycloak realm No Numeric Session duration
Saves a token concerned to the users idcurrent language setting just for user who are logged in. No Numeric Session duration
Saves the language setting (de/en) No String Session duration
More cookies
This website uses Matomo, a web analytics service provided by INNOCRAFT 6011 Wellington, New Zealand. Matomo is set so that no cookies are used. The information generated by Matomo about your use of this website (including the shortened IP address) is usually transmitted to our server in Vienna and stored there. This website uses Matomo exclusively with an extension that ensures anonymization of the IP address through shortening and excludes direct personal reference. For IPv4 addresses the last octet is discarded, for IPv6 the last 64 bits.
Your cookie settings on this website
If you wish to block or restrict cookies altogether, you can make the changes in the settings of your Internet browser. Cookies that have already been saved can be deleted at any time. If cookies are deactivated for our website, it may no longer be possible to use all functions of the website to their full extent. The procedures for managing and deleting cookies can be found in the help function integrated in the respective browser. For more information on this process, please see the links below: Internet Explorer Firefox Chrome Safari Opera
IV ÖH Reminder
If you use the ÖH-Reminder , we process the following personal data from you.
First name and family name: To personalize the mailings.
E-mail addresses: Communication with subscribers
Cell phone number: Communication with subscribers and delivery of information.
University: To send specific deadlines for the particular college or university type.
Mandatory field is only the cell phone number, otherwise no sending can be done. All other fields are optional. The name of the subscriber and their cell phone number are passed on to the order processor ( at the time of the mailings so that the mailings can be carried out. The data of the subscribers will be deleted three months after unsubscribing from the service, if not previously by their revocation. The ÖH Reminder will only be sent if you have given your consent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO). You can revoke this at any time without giving reasons (see point IV below). In this case, or if you do not give us consent, we unfortunately cannot send you a reminder.
V. Schwarzes Brett
When using the Schwarzes Brett, the following personal data is collected when creating an account or creating advertisements: Name Address Phone number Email address Content of the advertisement (if applicable, optional information: fax, UID, URL) To explain why we need them: The provision of this personal data is necessary for us to be able to place the advertisement on your behalf and to be able to inquire in case of ambiguities or to have concrete contact data in case of misuse. The processing of this data is thus carried out for the fulfillment of the contract (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b DSGVO) as well as for the protection of our legitimate interest in the protection against misuse of contact data (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO). If you do not provide us with the data, we can unfortunately not place your ad. The data will not be disclosed to third parties under any circumstances. There is also the possibility to hide the contact data in the advertisement itself (separately adjustable for address, mail, phone number and fax). Thus, these are only partially or not at all visible in your advertisements, as desired. Important: The advertisements are automatically deleted after six weeks from the activation (If you wish to extend this term, this is possible by e-mail) In addition, advertisements can be deleted independently at any time in the login area. Also, to delete your created account, all we need is an informal email with the subject “Delete profile” to and your account will be deleted.
VI. Election campaign
When using the Election Campaign website, no personal data is stored.
External service providers
When the website is opened, content such as JavaScript files, stylesheets or images from are included. Our website also connects to to retrieve static media content. The connection to does not transmit personal data, nor are IP addresses logged or cookies generated. On our website, the plugin is used for the presentation of social media content. By integrating on our website, information about the use of this website and your IP address is transmitted to may transfer information to third parties. In particular, due to interactions by you in connection with the content embedded with, it is possible that, if you are logged into a social media service (for example, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram), data will be transmitted to the corresponding social media service, interactions will be assigned to your profile, or published on your behalf. The execution of on our websites can be prevented by disabling Javascript in your browser. In this case, our websites may not be available to the full extent and individual contents may be missing. For further information on data processing by, please refer to the privacy policy.
VII. Electronic Election Administration System
When using the websites for operating the electronic election administration system and, personal data are processed as follows.
Purposes for which the personal data are to be processed and the legal basis for the processing
The purpose for which the personal data are processed is to ensure equal voting rights for the election of the federal representation and the university representations, to support the implementation of the university student elections and to record the electoral roll of eligible voters. Also, the processing is used to issue electoral cards, which can be applied for online.
Regarding the purposes in detail:
  1. Preparation of the electoral rolls,
  2. Inspection of the provisional register of voters,
  3. Assignment of studies to study representatives,
  4. Application for an absentee ballot and making it clear in the system whether an absentee ballot has been requested from an eligible voter and whether an absentee ballot has been sent to him or her or whether he or she has collected one in person,
  5. Maintaining an electronic voting record for the election of federal representatives, university representatives, and student representatives,
  6. Transmission of the results of the postal votes cast for the election of university representatives by the Election Commission of the Austrian National Union of Students to the election commissions and sub-election commissions,
  7. Transmission of the results of the election of the federal representation from the election commissions and sub-election commissions to the election commission of the Austrian National Union of Students.
Legal basis of processing
The processing is governed by the following legal bases: § 15 para 2 and 3 HSWO, § Section 16 HSWO, Section 43 para 5 and para 6 HSG 2014 and Section 10 para 3 line 4 lit d BilDokG 2020 in conjunction with Section 10 para 7 line 4 BilDokG 2020 in conjunction with Art 6 para 1 lit c DSGVO.
Third country transfer
A third country transfer does not take place. The following categories of personal data are processed In detail, we process the following personal data:
  1. Family name,
  2. First name,
  3. Educational institution-specific personal identifiers,
  4. Social security nunmmer or replacement license plate,
  5. Date of birth,
  6. Address at place of study and at home,
  7. the studies pursued at the respective educational institution, including their coding,
  8. the name of the educational institution including its coding,
  9. E-mail address of the student at the educational institution,
  10. Area-specific personal identifier BF,
  11. Proof of identity (copy of ID or cell phone signature).
Processing duration
Electoral rolls kept electronically must be deleted after they have been printed out in full, but no later than one week after the last election day (§ 61 para 3 HSWO 2014). Profiling The implementation of automated decision making including profiling does not take place.
For the provision of processing, we use Brainformance IT-Services GmbH, DC Tower E-1, Donau-City-Straße 7, A-1220 Vienna as a processor. No further disclosure by transmission will take place.
Your rights
We would also like to inform you about the existence of your right of access, rectification, erasure, objection, data portability and your right to restrict processing. You can also lodge a complaint against this processing with the data protection authority.
VIII. school dates of the Maturant_innenberatung by the ÖH Bundesvertretung
The following data is collected when making school appointments and for sending to schools.
School data: Name of the school and address
Contact person at the school: First name and surname of the educational advisor to personalize the mailings.
E-mail addresses: Des of the educational advisor and the school, for sending information about appointment registration.
Cell phone number: Des of the educational advisor, if known, to contact prior to a counseling appointment.
When registering for a consultation at the school, the school’s data must be entered, as well as a contact person who will also be present at the appointment. The data will be deleted, if not previously by their revocation, as soon as the person is no longer active as an educational or student advisor at the school. The legal basis for the processing of the data is your consent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO).
IX. Form “flattenthefees
The personal data provided in this form will be stored solely for the purpose of collecting support and will be deleted at the end of the Corona Crisis, but no later than December 31, 2020. The information on the experience with “Distance Learning” is stored anonymously and used to improve the teaching and study conditions at the hocshchools.
X. ÖH-Account
ÖH provides an ÖH account that allows access to a wide range of ÖH services. The legal basis for processing is our legitimate interest within the meaning of Art. 6 Paragraph 1 Letter f of GDPR, which we justify with the need for uniform user management. There is no provision for personal data to be transferred to third parties. We process the personal data until you delete your ÖH account.
XI. ÖH-Shop
ÖH provides an ÖH shop for the purpose of selling ÖH products. The legal basis for processing is the fulfillment of the contract within the meaning of Art. 6 Paragraph 1 Letter b of GDPR. If you do not provide the required data, we will unfortunately not be able to fulfill the contract. There is no provision for personal data to be transferred to third parties. We process personal data for up to eight years.
XII. Your rights in connection with data processing
The General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation 2016/679) grants you, as a data subject, certain rights, which we would like to point out to you below. Please note that these complement each other, so that you can only request either the correction or completion of your data or its deletion.
Revocation of consent
ÖH stores and processes your personal data based on your consent. You are entitled to revoke your consent at any time. However, this shall not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out up to the time of the revocation.
Right to information
You can request information on the origin, categories, storage period, recipients, the purpose of the data processed about you by the ÖH and the nature of its processing.
Right to rectification and cancellation
If ÖH processes data about you that is incorrect or incomplete, you can request that it be corrected or completed. Furthermore, you can demand the deletion of unlawfully processed data.
Right to restriction of processing
If it is unclear whether the data processed about you is inaccurate, incomplete or processed unlawfully, you may request that the processing of your data be restricted until this issue is finally clarified.
Right of objection
Even if the data concerning your person is correct and complete and is processed lawfully by the ÖH, you can object to the processing of this data. However, this is only in special situations that you have to justify.
Right to data portability
You may receive the data processed by the ÖH concerning your person, which the ÖH itself has received from you, in a machine-readable format determined by the ÖH or instruct the ÖH to transmit this data directly to a third party chosen by you, provided that this recipient enables the ÖH to do so from a technical point of view and that the transmission of the data is not prevented by unjustifiable expense or by legal or other obligations of confidentiality or confidentiality considerations on the part of the ÖH or third parties.
Right of appeal
Finally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the data protection authority if you consider that the processing of personal data concerning you is in breach of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation 2016/679).
Who can you contact to assert your data protection rights?
To assert the aforementioned rights, please contact us in writing (by letter or e-mail) to the contact mentioned under point I or directly to the following e-mail address: