Dormitory Fund

Whether representing residents, organizing cultural and sports activities, or creating space for social interaction such as parties or cooking evenings: The activities of the home representatives are varied and worth a lot. Therefore, the ÖH wants to support projects of home representations financially and has established the home support fund for this purpose.

Every year, the ÖH Bundesvertretung provides 5,000 euros to the student representatives for their activities and thus makes an important contribution to committed student representatives on site. For more information and inquiries send an email to our responsible administrator:

Especially in times when savings are being made in all areas of student dormitories, it is important to the Federal Representation of the Austrian National Union of Students that the dormitory representatives are able to implement their projects.

The guidelines that must be met for a positive application, as well as the application form can be found here:

How does the application process work?

  1. Check the guidelines to see if your project idea is eligible for funding through the Dormitory Fund.
  2. Download the application form and fill it out.
  3. Send the application and a confirmation of your election as a dorm representative to that the application must be submitted before making any purchases, as ongoing or completed projects cannot be funded.
  4. Your application will be reviewed as soon as possible, and you will be notified of the decision.
  5. After your application is approved, pay for your project idea and keep the original invoice(s).
  6. Send the original invoice(s) by mail (scanned receipts are not sufficient) and the payment confirmation(s).
  7. After receiving these documents, the reimbursement can take place.
  8. Send an informal report about the project, including pictures.

The ÖH Dormitory Fund has supported a variety of different projects: events, music room equipment, sports equipment, table tennis tables, cooking courses, excursions, and more. You can see the exact requirements in the guidelines. In case you’re unsure, just submit an application!

The maximum funding amount per application is 600 euros.

The Dormitory Fund is replenished annually with a total of €5,000. The maximum funding amount per application is €600. Care is taken to distribute the funding among multiple dormitory representations.

There is no limit to the number of applications that can be funded; however, consideration is given to distributing the funding among multiple dormitory representations.

The applications are decided upon by a committee with representatives from the chair department, the department for economic affairs, and the department for social policy.

Drugs such as alcohol cannot be reimbursed.