Self-defence and self-assertion for FLINTA

9. Oktober 2024

We would like to invite you again to a queer-feminist self-defence course for FLINTA*.

As FLINTA* people we experience certain everyday experiences of discrimination and violence. In our self-defence training, we want to share our experiences, practise strategies together and become more capable of taking action. We want to practise trusting our gut feeling and defending our boundaries.

In the course we practise

  • Asserting ourselves
  • Defending ourselves with words, being loud, assessing dangers,
  • Physically defending ourselves, hitting, kicking and release techniques
  • Body awareness
  • Saying no
  • Self-care and relaxation

Anyone who is FLINTA* can take part.  You are welcome to write to us if you have any questions or uncertainties.

The course will be held in English. In the summer term there will be a course held in German. FLINTA* of all backgrounds and abilities can participate. The premises are barrier-free (lift and barrier-free WC). Sporting ability and previous knowledge are not necessary. The training is free of charge. There will be a maximum of 20 participants. Please let us know in advance if there is anything you would like us to pay special attention to in the training planning or if we should organise something in advance (e.g. pick you up from somewhere).

In the course we aim to create a safer space in which we can work together respectfully and as non-discriminatory as possible.

About the trainers: Our names are Simone and T*oni, we are both white and queer. Simone is cis, T*oni is trans. We have been training WenDo for several years and offer regular workshops on (queer) feminist self-defence with ÖH.

Zu den Rahmenbedingungen:

When? Saturday, 23.11. from 10-18h and Sunday, 24.11. from 10-16h

Where? Selbstlaut, Thaliastraße 2/2A, 1160 Vienna

Registration deadline is 10.11.2024. The workshop lasts two days. It is important for the group process that you are present on Saturday and Sunday. Please only register if you are sure that you can attend both days! 
Please let us know as soon as possible if you are unable to come so that people from the waiting list can move up. We appeal to you to take responsibility and show solidarity with the course places.

FLINTA: Abbreviation for women, lesbians, inter*, non-binary, trans and agender people. Here we mean all people who do not see themselves as cis male.

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